Our Therapist recommended Villa Marie…
Sam is 14 years old and this is his second year attending Villa Marie. When we adopted Sam at 16 months old, we knew he would be exceptional. After much therapy, he attended pre-school at Behaven Kids Child Care Center. He went to our local public school district for kindergarten and all went well until 4th grade. We started feeling disconnected with the school and our frustration grew as it became stressful to have to fight for Sam to get the services he needed.
Our local Behavioral Therapist recommended Villa Marie for Sam. We had never heard of Villa Marie. We contacted Sr. Jeanette immediately, met her, and filled out the admissions paperwork. Sam visited the school and we spoke with Msgr. Perkinton. Together, the choice was made to move Sam to Villa Marie.
Wow, what a difference this school has made for Sam and our family. We would recommend this school to anyone who has an exceptional child. There is only one problem we see, Villa Marie is just not big enough to serve all the kids that are in need of their services.
Larry and Michelle Schmieding